
How can Email Marketing Help eCommerce?

The success of your eCommerce business heavily relies on proper digital marketing. Other than social media, one of the other ways you can market your business is through email marketing. It involves using email to solicit sales, request business, and send advertisements. Here are four ways email marketing can help grow your eCommerce business.

It increases conversions with segmentation

Email marketing can help convert visitors into customers if done right. One of the best ways to boost your email conversions is by focusing on segmentation. Using the information you have on your customers, create different groups of your customer list and then create a personalised email for each group. Doing this helps you draft emails that appear to be written specifically for the receipt, even though other customers will receive the same email. Segmentation helps boost engagement for abandoned shopping cart emails, retention emails, birthday emails, etc.

It reactivates inactive customers

Customers can become disengaged from your company over time. If they have not visited your online store or opened your emails in a while, it is your duty to deploy re-engagement to get them interested in your brand again. When sending out re-engagement emails, offer captivating discounts and remind the customer of your long-standing relationship. Write pathos-evoking messages to remind customers that they are valued and appreciated by the company.

It supports ecommerce sales

Email marketing isn’t just for reminding people about your brand or getting them to buy. You can also use it to communicate with customers regarding their orders. Use emails to send customers their tracking numbers, order confirmation messages, thank you notes, etc. Doing this will help improve customer experience and present a perfect opportunity for you to ask for product reviews.

It has a higher return on investment

Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective methods of marketing your eCommerce business. While you might need to invest in special software to automate, track and evaluate your emails, the costs involved in email marketing are significantly lower compared to other marketing channels.

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