The ecommerce industry continues to evolve at a rapid pace, and 2025 is set to bring even more changes. With advancements in technology, new marketing strategies, and shifts in consumer behaviour, online retailers must stay ahead of the curve to remain competitive. Here’s what to expect this year in key areas like Shopify, SEO, AI, […]
What makes a SEO project a success?
A SEO project can be considered a success when it achieves its intended goals, which typically include improving the visibility and search engine rankings of a website, increasing the volume and quality of website traffic, and ultimately, driving more conversions and revenue for the business. To achieve these goals, a successful SEO project should include […]
Nofollow vs Dofollow in SEO

For those new to SEO (search engine optimisation), you might be pondering the topic of backlinks and the whole debate of Dofollow links vs. Nofollow links, which are better for SEO, how to use them, etc. From personal experience, we can assure you that if at first, it has you feeling confused; it’s perfectly fine […]

In a rented garage in 1998 California, complete with innumerable computer desktops and a solitary tennis table, Stanford University PhD students Sergey Brin and Larry Page worked diligently on their technological brainchild. In between imaginable games of repetitious ping pong and critical coffee interludes, Google was born on 4 September of that year. In an […]

eCommerce is fast becoming a vital component of worldwide retail structure. First coined and utilised by the California State Assembly’s Utilities and Commerce Committee’s major consultant Dr Robert Jacobson in 1984, the model has evolved from simple teleshopping services in the 1970s to dominating 36.3 per cent of the of the overall UK retail market. […]

It’s the most festive time of the year! With an increasingly elongated Black Friday ‘weekend’ now out of the way, Christmas and chirstmas gifts are the next big focus for eCommerce retailers. Online retail spending during the Christmas period continues to rise year-on-year in the United Kingdom – according to recent Statistica data, online Christmas […]
What are Microsoft and Bing Ads?

Microsoft’s search engine, Bing, offers an advertising platform that lets you display ads on a network of sites including Bing, Yahoo!, and DuckDuckGo. Bing allows ecommerce marketers to promote their products via targeted ads based on keywords the user enters into its search engine. Like Google, these ads work on an auction system where marketers […]
What is Google Ads?

Google Ads is an advertising platform that allows you to run an advertising campaign that is displayed across Google’s network of sites, including YouTube and the Google Display Network. It allows you to set up advertisements with a call-to-action, such as a visit to your website, or calls to a provided telephone number and is […]
WooCommerce Review

WooCommerce is one of the most popular eCommerce sites in the world. It was launched by two developers, James Koster and Mike Jolley, in 2011 and later sold to Automattic in 2015. It is home to over 300,000 online retailers, including some prominent and high traffic sites. How does it work? WooCommerce is an open-source […]
How can Email Marketing Help eCommerce?

The success of your eCommerce business heavily relies on proper digital marketing. Other than social media, one of the other ways you can market your business is through email marketing. It involves using email to solicit sales, request business, and send advertisements. Here are four ways email marketing can help grow your eCommerce business. It […]